📸 Benjamin Steffes-Lai | s-lai.com

📸 Benjamin Steffes-Lai | s-lai.com


Dawson City Medical Clinic & Hospital

Dawson City is home to about 2,500 residents – 2,000 or so in the winter and more than 3,000 in the summer. Our Medical Clinic and Hospital serve our local population, as a well as an expansive surrounding catchment area, including a vast number of remote mining and work camps (and numerous off-grid remote households).


Located in the centre of town, our two storey GP-run hospital is equipped to handle a variety of in and out-patient treatments and medical emergencies. The medical clinic is conveniently located inside the hospital building. The hospital itself has six inpatient beds with a 24 hour ER, and basic lab and X-Ray. The emergency department has two trauma bays, two assessment rooms, a procedural/cast room, an eye room, a gynecology/obstetrics room, a safe room, and a decontamination bay. A point-of-care ultrasound is available for use.

Upstairs in the same building is the Dawson City Health Centre, staffed by a great team of Public Health Nurses and Mental Wellness and Substance Use Counsellors

There is only one pharmacy in town, also located in the hospital building!

Attached to the hospital is McDonald Lodge, a 15 bed long-term care facility. HomeCare nursing also operates out of this area.   

Trauma Bay

Trauma Bay

Comforting our Sim Man

Comforting our Sim Man

Clinic Room

Clinic Room

Treatment Room

Treatment Room

Inpatient Room

Inpatient Room

Hallway with Local Photography

Hallway with Local Photography


Local Support Staff

Our hospital is home to an incredible community of dedicated staff: Amazing (and highly experienced) MOAs, nurses, a lab/X-ray tech, and hospital administrators. Together, we work to ensure our patients' problems are best addressed despite the remote location of our little hospital.

First Nation support

There is additional community support provided by the local First Nation, Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in, including home care, counselling, youth programs, and financial medical assistance.

Ambulances / Medivac 

EMS/ambulance service is provided by local paramedics along with volunteer first responders. Physicians provide support to EMS for more unstable patients by ground as well as helicopter extractions from more remote sites. 


There are no specialists based in Dawson City. We work closely with our "local" specialists in Whitehorse, including general surgery, obstetrics/gynecology, orthopedics, pediatrics, psychiatry, and sports medicine. In addition, we often coordinate care with the visiting specialists who frequently come to Whitehorse for clinics.


What Does it take to be a doctor in dawson city?